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About Us
Cornerstone India Foundation is presently focused on education and presently running a School and Therapeutic Centre for Differently Abled Children since 2014 with the following objectives:-
Dignified inclusion of PWDs in the main stream society
Give them a meaningful and dignified life
Provide best care and support to PWDs and caregivers
To develop PWDs as future human resources
Supporting families of PWDs to cope up with the situation of handling a person with disability
Helping society to change their attitude towards PWDs from sympathy to empathy
Creating a happy and joyful environment
Helping PWDs to realize their full potential and to work towards it.
Cornerstone is dedicated to bringing out the full potential among differently abled children. We are also trying to bring awareness in society for complete inclusion of these children into the mainstream. To achieve this, we conduct various programs and include neuro typical children (normal) to help and observe the life of a special need child (Students of many schools have been beneficiaries of this program). These activities help normal children to have a renewed outlook towards the goodness of life and its realities. This also gives joy to a special need child of finding true friends who have empathy and not sympathy. In recent past we had conducted several summer camps, workshops, seminars, Nukkad Natak, Road shows and sports activities for differently abled children in Greater Noida and invited neuro typical children to interact with special need children. We take care of most of the disabilities including learning disabilities except for visual impairment
We need to make inclusion real!
Our Vision
Seeking Social Justice & Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities

Our Mission

Our Mission
Working towards an Inclusive Society
One window solution to all needs of PwDs
Sensitization of Society at Large
Skill Development for PwDs
Empowering Academicians towards Special Need Children
Resource Development for Caregivers
Research in the field
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